Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Goodbye Recital

Goodbyes are the worst.  Good thing your amazing playing brought me so much joy!

I will sure miss all of my students in Arizona, as our family is moving to Missouri.  You all have been an important part of my life over the past 5 years!

I was recently reading an article that talked about the influence a piano teacher has--because that teacher is one of the very few constants from year to year that a child consistently sees every week; and how few others outside of family have such a regular and long term relationship with a child over the course of their life.

What the article didn't mention is how those students bless the life of their teacher because they consistently come and spend time together.
I have been so very blessed to spend my hours in the company of these amazing souls.

You are fantastic musicians and incredible people.  I was joking with one of my students that I had seen him for at least 200 weeks of lessons.  That's no small thing!  The music and friendships that have come into my life because of music and teaching have been such a blessing!  I will dearly miss you all!