Thursday, August 1, 2019

Carnival of the Animals Concert

It was so fun for me to perform with my oldest son with an orchestra this past week!  We each got to play on our own grand piano and play with the Odyssey Orchestra.  
I need to get some more photos from the event with us at the piano, but in the meantime here we our in our Gold and black...since we were performing The Introduction, and The LION!
The Carnival of the Animals is such a joyful collection of music inspired by animals.

It was such a fun performance!  Playing with an orchestra is so exhilarating!

Sunday, March 17, 2019

St. Patrick's Day Recital!

We worked on some new skills for our St. Patrick's Day performance: Accompanying and learning what it means to "chord" and use a piano "fake book."  The students did a wonderful job accompanying some fiddlers and Irish Step Dancers...and the audience loved all the music you shared!